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Monday, June 7, 2021

Sermons that shape us: The blessing of a godly attitude. (Pt.2)

(Matthew 5:1-12) 

Part 2 


“God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted. God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth. God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied. God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy. God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God. God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God. God blesses those who are persecuted for doing right, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. “God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers.” Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way.”-Matthew 5:3-12


Most of us are familiar with the blessings listed here in Matthew 5:3-12, but perhaps you've failed to see how these blessings are tied to maintaining godly attitudes. 


Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV) tells us that: “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”


 These 8 attitudes not only invite blessing into our lives, but they shape godly character in us as well. I found these descriptions helpful from a commentary I was studying: 


            1. Matthew 5:3: “God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.” 


It all starts here. Blessed are the poor in Spirit that realize their need for God and more specifically their need of a Savior. They come with no spiritual assets. Nothing to offer. Spiritually bankrupt. They cast aside self-dependence to trust fully in the Lord. If we are not careful self-dependency can lead to haughtiness and pride. 


            2. Matthew 5:4: “God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” 


Those who mourn are those who respond to their own sinful condition with godly sorrow and genuine repentance. 


            3. Matthew 5:5: “God blesses those who are humble (meek), for they will inherit the whole earth.” 


Meekness is constrained power. Meekness is to show willingness to submit and work under proper authority. It also shows a willingness to disregard one’s own “rights” and privileges. It is a form of self-discipline which is a Fruit of the Spirit.


            4. Matthew 5:6: "God blesses those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.”


We see Christians hungering for many things: power, authority, success, comfort, happiness – but how many hunger and thirst for righteousness? There is a shift from pursing the things of this world, to pursing the things of God. Finding our satisfaction solely in Him and seeking first His righteousness. 


Scott Burr



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