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Monday, March 9, 2020

Building your spiritual house (Pt.5)

Pt. 5-Foundations

“Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”-Ephesians 2:19-22

The Apostles and Prophets preached the word of God as they were led by the Spirit of God. Those teachings, fitly framed together, provide for our foundation.

A foundation is designed to stand the test of time. Let’s be honest, it has a house to hold up. So it makes sense to pay attention to the details that will make certain that the house remains stable. Why, however, when we buy a home do we want to make sure that the foundation is solid, but when it comes to our lives we give little thought to it. Don’t we want the same stability and strength for our lives? 

A good foundation has three primary tasks. 

First, a good foundation is load bearing. A foundation needs to be able to support the load being built upon it. Your entire house sits on top of it! The average house weighs 50 tons. That 50 tons house sits on a 7 ton foundation. Making certain that foundation is laid correctly is of paramount importance. Good foundations are capable of bearing tremendous loads. Perhaps the reason you feel as though you are being crushed under the weight of this life is because your life isn’t build on a foundation that can sustain it. 

Second, a good foundation guards against shifting and settling. Solid foundations help to prevent your home from shifting and settling into the ground beneath. If it is well-built it will help to keep the occupants of that home safe from normal weather and give added protection against natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. The teachings of Christ, the Apostles and Prophets when fitly framed together provide the strength and stability we need to face the storms of this life. 

Finally, a good foundation provides structural integrity. A well constructed foundations keeps moisture out, resists movement, and insulates against the cold. A good spiritual foundation can keep worldly influences out, help us to resist temptation, and insulate us from sin (Psalm 119:11). All of which provide us with greater spiritual integrity. 
When is the last time you evaluated your foundation? What are you building your life upon? Is Jesus Christ your cornerstone? Is your life fitly framed together by the Word of God? All of this must be firmly established before the walls go up!

Scott Burr 
Dayspring Community Church 

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