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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

It’s all about Jesus: The Sermon on the Mount (Pt.4)

(Part 4)
by Seth Burgan: Youth Pastor at Dayspring Community Church
“Blessed are the merciful for they will be shown mercy.”-Matthew 5:7
What does it mean to be merciful? One definition of merciful is: the ability to show forgiveness or compassion toward someone whom it is within your power to punish or harm. Whenever I think of mercy I am reminded of this quote by an unknown author: “Grace is God giving us what we do not deserve and mercy is God not giving us what we do deserve.”
Because of sin we deserved death and eternal separation from God, yet while we were yet sinners Christ died for us; taking the penalty of sin upon Himself. That is the picture of mercy! It is at the very heart of who God is and who He wants you to become. The blessing of showing mercy towards others is that it keeps the flow of God’s mercy towards you unobstructed.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”-Matthew 5:8
 This beatitude has a special place in my heart because of my past struggles with sin. Even after accepting Jesus Christ as my Savior, I was still trying to do everything in my own effort or understanding. I continued to battle, by myself, the sin that had taken over my life.  I would beat myself up causing myself to believe that I was never going to overcome and I was never going to be pure in God’s eyes
In part I was right. I was never going to be pure if I kept trying to do it myself. When I finally let go of my pride and responded to the Word of God putting it into practice; it opened the door to allow the Holy Spirit to purify my life.
Purity requires two elements: repentance and response.
Sin separates us from God. So it stands to reason that we cannot see God if we are separated from God by our own sinful behavior. Thus the pursuit of purity always begins with repentance.
Then we must respond to the Word of God. It is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. We are sanctified (cleansed, set apart, made holy) by the Word of God; but we must do more than simply hear the word. We must be doers of the word. It is the word that we put into practice that develops purity in us and demonstrates the righteousness of God.
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be the sons of God.”-Matthew 5:9
The main reason Christ came to the earth was to make peace between God and man; to end the separation created by our sinfulness. It was a deliberate act, on God’s part, to bring peace between Himself and mankind.
God sent His word spoken through the mouths of judges, prophets, and priests to lead the lost to find peace through faith in Christ.
There is never a time we are more like our Savior as when we are sharing the good news (the gospel) message of repentance and forgiveness of sins. The gospel is a message of reconciliation. Peacemakers are called to carry the gospel message to those who are still separated from God by their sin and help them make peace with Him through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.  
Pastor Seth Burgan
Youth Pastor
Dayspring Community Church

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