“Did that which is good then, become
death to me? By no means! But in order that sin might be recognized as sin, it
produced death in me through what is good, so that through the commandment sin
might become utterly sinful.”
Do you
recognize sin as sin? Do you see sin as utterly sinful? The law came to awaken
us to the deceitfulness and destructive nature of sin. Yet, many people still
do not recognize sin as sin! Although God’s commandment tells us that lying is
a sin. There will be those who will want to qualify sin and give it degrees of
severity. A half-truth is sinful, but not as sinful as an outright lie. A
white-lie is sinful, but not as sinful as withholding information. By doing
this we attempt to soften the severity of sin. Sin separates us from God!
Period! It isn’t the quantity or the quality of the sin that separates us, it
is simply sin:
“But your iniquities have separated
you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not
Sin has
become troublesome to us, but not “utterly sinful”. When we cannot seem to get
a handle on our sin we simply label it as a disease or disorder. Gluttony isn’t
a sin anymore, it’s an eating disorder. Alcoholism isn’t a sin in our culture,
it’s a disease now. This is done in an effort to take the sting out of our
disobedience. However, God is not fooled!
You might convince yourself, your neighbors or even society that your
sinful pursuits are the cause of some disease or disorder, but God is
unwavering in His position that sin (all sin) is utterly sinful. And that sin
will keep you eternally separated from Him.
At some
point we are going to have to address the sin issues in our lives. As God pulls
back the curtain we are going to have to make some life choices that will not
be easy to make. The consequence of ignoring this truth is eternal separation
from God.
Confess your
sins to God! Repent (that means turn away and stop doing it)! Invite Jesus into
your heart and life. He will forgive you and empower you to live a life of
1 John 3:9
You cannot continue in sin and call yourself born of God! It
is time to awaken to your sinfulness, recognize sin as utterly sinful and
Pastor Scott
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