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Friday, September 7, 2012

"Breaking the Manna Mentality"

(Part 2)

“On the evening of the fourteenth day of the month, while camped at Gilgal on the plains of Jericho, the Israelites celebrated the Passover. The day after the Passover, that very day, they ate some of the produce of the land; unleavened bread and roasted grain. The manna stopped the day after they ate this food from the land; there was no longer any manna for the Israelites, but that year they ate of the produce of Canaan.”

                                                                                                Joshua 5:10-12

Nearly the entire time Israel journeyed in the wilderness there was never a day without manna. And although the provision lasted 40 years, it was never intended to be the way that God fed them forever. While they were in the desert there was an added measure of grace. But as soon as they reached fertile land, God expected them to live out kingdom principles.

Unfortunately, the only way to keep them from coming back out to revisit the pot was to take it away! Once they entered Canaan they had to dig, plow, reap and fight. The promises were theirs to have, but they had to operate according to God’s Word. God’s Word would become God’s manna of choice to give. Jesus said in Matthew 4:4:

“It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”

I describe manna, today, as truth from God’s Word, that was plowed and reaped by someone else, and then is laid at our doorstep. Just like the manna Israel enjoyed, we did not have to work for it; it is laid at our tent doors. We did not have to dig, plow, reap or fight to get it. Today we enjoy manna in various forms. It comes to us in finely crafted Sunday sermons, well written books, wonderful television programs and radio broadcasts. We are enjoying someone else’s labor.

Here, however, is the truth about manna. Manna sustained Israel physically, but they never grew spiritually. As long as you are living on what is being laid at the perimeter of your tent, you will not grow either. God never intended for us to wait in our tents for someone to bring truth to us. Unfortunately too many Christians view the availability of teaching via television, podcast, radio, internet and print media as their own personal buffet. They can pick and choose who they like, what they like and tune the rest out. If we don’t like what one person is saying, we can change the channel, close the book or “unfriend” them on Facebook.

This is leading to spiritual foundations that are being laid without even opening up the Word of God! God had to stop the manna to stop their complacency! When the manna stopped, where would they get their food? They had no land! They had nothing planted! If they did plant, it would be months before they would get a harvest. Pastor Robert Pace, made a wonderful observation concerning this. He noted that when the manna stopped, they were just outside of Jericho. If they were going to eat, they were going to have to possess the land…fight, dig, plow, sow and reap! If God would have continued to supply the manna, Israel would have had no need to move forward!

Pastor Scott Burr


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